About Us
The Mission House of Grace, Inc. is a non profit organization founded in Jersey City, New Jersey to improve the quality of life in New Jersey through educational, social, professional, and community empowerment. Our goals are to work together to serve the needs of the greater community. Also to act as a central hub for information for the Caribbean as a large scale community.
At Mission House of Grace, Inc. We exist to equip and serve our Caribbean’s Community with the resources needed to help them advanced and to provide social, professional and spiritual guidance in every asspect of their lives.
Our mission statement is to create a standard of living and improve the quality of life.
To create a community center where the Caribbean Immigrants can achieve self sufficiency, ultimately enabling them to become active contributors to the economic, cultural and social of the community.
Mission House of Grace (MHOG) will equip the Caribbean immigrants with the tools needed to overcome cultural barriers that challenge their access to existing community resources and program.